After completing the Foundational Protocol or Comprehensive Protocol, Optimize A and Optimize B are the recommended next steps to maintain optimal wellness and build on progress.*
These phases not only maintain progress, but allow individuals to keep moving forward with key nutrients for cellular repair, mitochondrial health, and liver health — all of which support the body in managing life’s everyday stressors.*
Note: As a general guideline, it’s not recommended for patients/clients to stay in any protocol phase longer than 1-2 months. Variety is key when it comes to supplementation for optimal health. For example, patients/clients can do Optimize A for one month and Optimize B for one month, and then repeat Optimize A or implement a kit, and so on. If they still need extra detoxification and/or drainage support, they can repeat Phases 1-5 at any time after completing the protocol.*
Formulated with Carbon Technology
Carbon Technology is a proprietary blend of fulvic acids that support cellular repair and the body’s natural ability to detoxify.* With a low pH, Carbon Technology also helps protect ingredients from being digested by stomach acid, so that they remain intact as they enter the desired location in the body.
All of our supplements are formulated with Carbon Technology, with the exception of Para 1, Para 3, and the IS-line.
Detoxification Support | Gut Terrain Support | Mitochondrial Support
Bundle Includes
Advanced TUDCA: Lends increased support to the liver bile duct system and supports healthy bile flow, essential for healthy drainage and detoxification.*
BC-ATP: The highly charged organic acids support metabolism and the ATP cycle in being at peak efficiency.* These carbons also assist in the body’s natural detoxification processes and contribute to a balanced gut microbiome.* In clinical practice, BC-ATP is generally well-tolerated by sensitive individuals and may help improve protocol tolerance.
Metabolic Activator: A comprehensive metabolic support liquid supplement that combines iodine with Coleus forskohlii extract, selenium, potassium iodide, riboflavin, and molybdenum.*
This unique combination of key nutrients work together to provide powerful support for healthy metabolic, thyroid and mitochondrial function, as well as hormonal function, glucose metabolism, and the conversion of thyroid hormones (T4 to T3).* Metabolic Activator also assists in healthy weight management and upregulating the production of cyclic AMP (cAMP).*
CT-Minerals: Provides minerals derived from fulvic acid. Sourced from the soil and decomposed plant life, these naturally occurring minerals are typically easier for the body to digest, absorb, and utilize. This bioavailable formula supports mental clarity, energy production, cellular repair, and immune function.*
ViRadChem Binder: An intermediate binder that assists in the body’s natural ability to detoxify while supporting cellular repair. Acai, artichoke leaf, broccoli leaf, and wheatgrass are added to support overall system balance and the body’s free radical scavenging systems.
Do any of the supplements interact with medication?
Always consult a licensed healthcare practitioner when introducing a new supplement. As a general guideline, it’s recommended to take all supplements at least two hours away from prescription medications.
Do patients have to do Optimize A or Optimize B after they have completed the protocol?
Optimize A and Optimize B are recommended next steps to maintain wellness as patients are exposed to life’s everyday stressors.* However, if an individual requires additional detoxification support after completing the protocol, Phases 1-5 can be repeated at any time, as well as any of the kits for targeted concerns (such as the MYC Support Kit, Para Kit, or Travel Kit).*
Do the supplements have to be taken with food, or can they be taken without?
Advanced TUDCA and CT-Iodine should be taken with meals. All of the other supplements in this phase are recommended to take between meals for maximum potency. However, if patients/clients are sensitive to any of the ingredients, they can take them with meals.
What’s the difference between the Comprehensive Protocol, the Foundational Protocol, and Optimize A and B?
The Comprehensive Protocol is an in-depth approach to supporting detoxification, intended for those who are looking to address their health at the root level and require increased immune and gut support.* Completing the protocol over a prolonged period (9+ months) provides the body with sufficient time (and nutrients) to support system balance through detoxification.*
The Foundational Protocol is a shorter, four-month approach to supporting detoxification.* It’s intended for individuals who are looking to periodically support cleansing for an overall wellness boost.* It also helps to balance the gut microbiome, increase energy levels, and optimize digestive and immune health – but is not as extensive as the Comprehensive Protocol, which covers more specific areas of health.*
Optimize A and Optimize B can be completed after any protocol, as needed for the patient/client.
What’s the difference between Optimize A and Optimize B?
Optimize A and Optimize B include supplements to maintain progress made during the protocol and continue promoting optimal wellness in day-to-day life.*
Optimize A includes Advanced TUDCA, BC-ATP, CT-Minerals, Metabolic Activator, and ViRadChem Binder. Optimize B includes BC-ATP, CT-Zyme, CT-Biotic, KL Support, and ViRadChem Binder.
These supplements optimize drainage, digestive function, energy levels, hormonal balance, immunity, mental clarity, mitochondrial health, and the body’s natural detoxification processes in the cells, gut, and tissues.*
Variety is key when it comes to supplementation. Having two optimize phases allows individuals to rotate between different products every few months, as they build on and maintain their health.* (With the exception of ViRadChem Binder, which is an ideal everyday binder to protect against life’s daily stressors.) For more specific concerns, patients/clients can also do a kit or go back to any step or phase of the protocols.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.