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Our Medical Director - Ruth Kriz

Ruth Kriz APRN, Medical Advisor at

Partnership with Live UTI Free (LUF) for Bladder and Wellness health

Visit the LUF Site

Curated Industry News

Our Highlighted Articles

Curious what it means to have IC, chronic or recurrent UTIs? Read this!

Chronic vs. Recurrent UTI

Is a chronic urinary tract infection the same thing as a recurrent UTI? What does it mean if you get frequent urinary tract infections? Is there anything you can do if you keep getting UTIs?

These are just some of the questions we get on a daily basis...

read about recurrent utis
UTIs may be more common than you think while going through menopause. You're not alone, read more here.

UTI and Menopause

For many people, UTI and menopause go hand-in-hand. But why is post-menopausal UTI a thing? Can estrogen help for recurrent UTI? And is estrogen cream safe?

We get a lot of questions about hormones, hormone therapy and the possible connection to recurrent UTIs...

Read About UTI & Menopause
We know a lot of people with UTIs and chronic pelvic pain have questions about D-mannose, so check out this comprehensive article by Live UTI Free!

D-Mannose for UTI

D-mannose for UTI made it into our list of the ten most searched UTI home remedies, among other UTI home remedies like vitamin Cprobiotics and Pau d’arco.

We also get a lot of questions about it, but does D-mannose work for recurrent UTI? What is D-mannose anyway...?

Read about d-mannose

Articles, blogs and research

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